Rest, Procreate, 2023
After vacationing in the islands of Croatia, I noticed how calming and beautiful the environment was, especially compared to America. It served as a great escape from all the busyness of American cities, litter all over the ground, and the pollution of air and water. As I walked through the Croatian towns, the beautiful stone staircases that accompanied every building and sidewalk caught my eye. However, this one particular staircase stood out to me the most. It may have been the cat that was resting on a step or the lush plants that framed it. Nonetheless, it was a sight to see. This corner of Croatia was minuscule and undeniably overlooked, but I wanted to share it with the world in hopes of sharing this calming feeling. I believe we take many sights for granted, including this cat on a staircase, but they are the every-day moments that make life inherently beautiful. We need to appreciate the smaller things more often.